"Soirée ArtCoustique"

    !! Unplugged Session & Live Painting by Bibi Seck !!

    20th, July 2024

  • artists.must.meet


    artists.must.meet is a discrete nomadic scene traveling the city to bring us together and celebrate creativity in all its forms.


    Welcome to artists.must.meet.


    artists.must.meet est une scène nomade discrète parcourant la ville pour nous rassembler et célébrer la créativité sous toutes ses formes.
    Bienvenus chez artists.must.meet.
  • broken image




    African Soul, Mauritanian Heart, Fulani Ways. I'm just a Soul on a Journey, building bridges... Perhaps we might meet someday, somewhere?


    Mon ame en afrique, le coeur en Mauritanie, sur les sentiers du Pulaagu...

    Je ne suis qu'une âme en voyage, construisant des ponts, et qui sait, peut etre allons nous nous rencontrer, un jour, quelque part?

    broken image

    Bibi Seck



    Bibi Seck, born on August 14, 1965, in Paris and raised in Dakar, graduated from the École Supérieure de Design Industriel et de Graphisme (ESDI). He joined Renault's design team and later moved to New York in 2002 to co-found a design agency with Ayşe Birsel. Balancing his time between New York and Dakar from 2006, he engaged with local artisans and the creative scene, eventually creating DAKAR-NEXT with Fatimata Ly. An avid drawer and painter, Bibi exhibited his work at Partcours 2018. In September 2020, he established Quatorzehuit, a space for Contemporary Art and Design.

  • artists.must.meet | unplugged



    The unplugged sessions create an intimate and organic atmosphere that allows for a deeper connection between the artist and the audience. Whether it's a singer-songwriter with a guitar or a small ensemble, unplugged sessions provide a unique opportunity to experience music in its most genuine and intimate state, fostering a sense of closeness.


    Les sessions unplugged créent une atmosphère intime et authentique qui permet une connexion plus profonde entre l'artiste et le public. Que ce soit un chanteur-compositeur avec sa guitare ou un petit ensemble, les sessions unplugged offrent une occasion unique de vivre la musique dans son état le plus authentique.
  • register

    5000 XOF entrance fee - OM and Wave Number : XXXXXXXX

  • Blog

    Hey, beautiful souls! Welcome back to my corner of the internet, where we dive deep into the vibrant tapestry of creativity pulsating through Dakar (where I currently am) and beyond. Today, I'm buzzing with excitement to share my reflections on the recent Dakar Women's Group (DWG) Art Show 2024 ...
    Did you know that nestled in the heart of Paris, more precisely at Place Monge, there is a place that transcends space and time, transporting you into one of the most authentic Chinese traditions of exceptional tea tasting? Maison des Trois Thés, complete immersion guaranteed! Everything is done...
    At the recent Dakar Women's Group Breast Cancer fundraising event, we had the privilege of guiding a poetry "moment", and the experience was truly inspiring... Every year DWG organises a fundraising event to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month to donate to LISCA, ensuring that every...
    This beautiful event was organized by a lover of art and photography, founder of the Museums of Photography (Mupho) Amadou Diaw in the beautiful city of Saint Louis. It marked the launch of the Mupho season dedicated to preserving and showcasing the timeless art form of photography. The event not...
  • Interested in hosting an event ?

    Please, let's get in touch :)