Travel Memories - Maison des Trois Thés

A Parisian Gem for Tea Enthusiasts

Did you know that nestled in the heart of Paris, more precisely at Place Monge, there is a place that transcends space and time, transporting you into one of the most authentic Chinese traditions of exceptional tea tasting? Maison des Trois Thés, complete immersion guaranteed! Everything is done with finesse and delicacy, set against a profoundly soothing atmosphere.

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I remember the first time a serendipitous winter stroll led me to this truly astonishing establishment. A gentle young lady, relieved me of my coat and seated me by the large bay window that overlooks the square. Immediately, I felt like I was in one of those films where a distortion of spacetime makes you feel disconnected from the world. Looking through the window, I didn't see Paris; I saw an extension of that feeling of serenity one experiences just before tea time.

I come from a country where tea tradition runs deep, and the three services after every meal are a part of Mauritanian poetry; there's no deviation from that. Never.

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So, I was delighted to savor the "Puerh Vintage 96" recommended by the establishment's director, who spent some time with me. I will always remember from our conversation that, for him, having traveled the world, "Africa gets into your guts, Latin America captures your heart, and Asia penetrates your spirit."

First sip of that Vinatge Puerh, a taste of wood and wet earth transported me to Boghé, precisely at the moment when the dry and warm climate is about to welcome the rainy season. In my imagination, I saw a serene old man sitting under a tree, gazing at the gentle, moist horizon, the sensation of the first rains of the West African wet season... Tea possesses an extraordinary ability to transport the soul where it is yearning to wander. More often than not, this voyage occurs within, leading to a place of profound serenity where everything else seems to fade into oblivion. Isn't that a wondrous experience?"

So, whether you're a seasoned tea enthusiast or seeking tranquility, Maison des Trois Thés embodies the essence of tea, connecting cultures and celebrating the finer moments in life. It's a bridge between worlds, a tapestry of global traditions, and an invitation to savor life's beauty.

As I left, I had the great pleasure of meeting Master Tseng. In our brief exchange, I sensed a woman of great depth and sensitivity. She shares her experience of Morocco and mint tea, which, at times when one feels adventurous, is accompanied by verbena...

Maison des Trois Thés is more than a tea house; it's a sanctuary where time stands still, and the world outside fades away. Nestled in Paris, it offers a unique, authentic tea experience for all.

With delicate service and profound serenity, this hidden gem lets you escape the daily rush and embark on a sensory journey through Eastern flavors and traditions. It's where conversations between tea lovers always turn into unforgettable moments. An essential destination for wanderers in the City of Light.


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by Hapi