
    artists.must.meet is also a unique platform that connects artists from Africa and around the world. It provides a dedicated space for artists to showcase their work, share their experiences, and collaborate with other creatives. The platform not only promotes the artists' works but also their messages, values, and visions. Through soft promotion and social media, artists can expand their reach and connect with a wider audience.


    Whether you are an emerging or established artist, artists.must.meet offers a supportive and inclusive environment where you can showcase your work, connect with like-minded individuals, and achieve your artistic aspirations.


    Join us as we unite artists and enthusiasts through our monthly exceptional artist feature, complete with an online auction. Together, let's foster connections that transcend boundaries.



  • Amadou Yero Ba

    Un Éminent Peintre de l'Art Contemporain Africain

    Participez à une vente aux enchères exceptionnelle d'une toile rare de la collection privée du peintre.

    Une opportunité unique à ne pas manquer!


    A Luminary of African Contemporary Art

    Join an extraordinary auction featuring a rare canvas from the artist's private collection.

    An unparalleled opportunity not to be missed!

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    "Les Grandes Dames"

    Amadou Yero Ba
    Dimensions: 90x70 cm
    Acrylique sur toile signé et daté en bas à droite
    Année 2021

    Inquire about the current highest bid! Outbid in the form at the bottom of the page.

    Renseignez-vous sur l'enchère la plus élevée actuelle ! Surencherissez dans le formulaire en bas de page.

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    A propos de l'Artiste

    About the Artist

    Amadou Yero Ba - Un Éminent Peintre de l'Art Contemporain Africain


    Amadou Yéro Ba est né en 1944 à Agniam Thiodaye, dans la région de Matam au Nord duSénégal, Bâ a tracé son chemin dans le monde de l'art avec une détermination inébranlable.

    Formé par Pierre Lods au sein de ses AteliersLibres, Amadou Ba fait partie des premiers élèves à bénéficier deses enseignements. Sa peinture, nourrie par la tradition peule, respire la quintessence de l'Afrique nomade. À travers ses œuvres, il évoque des scènes de la vie quotidienne, des pasteurs aux bœufs en forme de lyre, des bateaux à fond plat
    sur un fleuve aux danseurs. Mais au-delà des sujets traités, c'est l'émotion pure qui transparaît, témoignant d'une sensibilité profonde envers son héritage culturel et son environnement.

    Les œuvres de Ba révèlent un dialoguesubtil entre tradition et modernité, puisant son inspiration à la fois dans le
    monde qui l'entoure et dans les géométries légères de ses inspirateurs tels que Picasso, Klee et Dominguez. Ses peintures sont des invitations à la contemplation, capturant des instants figés dans le temps, où le silence résonne aussi fort que les couleurs douces et les formes élégantes.

    À travers les années, Amadou Yéro Ba a tracé son chemin dans le monde de l'art avec une singularité etune profondeur remarquables. Sa peinture, discrète et secrète, révèle les multiples facettes d'une Afrique en perpétuel mouvement, où tradition et modernité se fondent dans une harmonie singulière.

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    Amadou Yero Ba - A Luminary of African Contemporary Art


    Amadou Yéro Ba was born in 1944 in Agniam Thiodaye, in the Matam region of Northern Senegal. Ba carved his path in the world of art with unwavering determination.


    Trained by Pierre Lods at his Ateliers Libres, Amadou Ba was among the first students to benefit from his teachings. His painting, nurtured by the Fulani tradition, breathes the quintessence of nomadic Africa. Through his works, he evokes scenes of daily life, from herders with lyre-shaped cattle to flat-bottomed boats on a river and dancers. But beyond the subjects depicted, pure emotion shines through, reflecting a deep sensitivity to his cultural heritage and environment.


    Ba's works reveal a subtle dialogue between tradition and modernity, drawing inspiration from the surrounding world and the light geometries of his inspirations such as Picasso, Klee, and Dominguez. His paintings are invitations to contemplation, capturing moments frozen in time, where silence resonates as strongly as soft colors and elegant forms.


    Over the years, Amadou Yéro Ba has carved his path in the art world with remarkable singularity and depth. His painting, discreet and secretive, reveals the multiple facets of an Africa in perpetual motion, where tradition and modernity blend into a singular harmony.

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    Participez à la vente aux enchères, que le meilleur enchérisseur l'emporte!

    Take part in the auction, may the best bidder win!

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    Bid Amount in XOF *
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  • Auction Process



    Register online to gain access to bidding for the featured monthly artwork


    Place Your Bid

    Once registered, browse the featured artwork - this month is Amadou Yero Ba - place your bid. Ensure your bid meets or exceeds the minimum bid requirement.



    Stay informed about the auction's developments and competing bids. You'll receive notifications if someone places a higher bid. Bidding will close on May 5th at 6pm. The winner will be notified, as will the other participants. Additionally, be on the lookout for new exceptional art pieces to bid on. Best of luck to all bidders!


    Win and Purchase

    Follow the provided instructions to finalize the purchase.


    Collect your Art Piece

    After winning the auction, arrange pickup or delivery with us. Your artwork is ready for its new home !

  • Building bridges

    connecting artists to... the world

    coming soon :)

    "...the people produce the artist, and it’s true. The artist also produces the people. And that’s a very violent and terrifying act of love. The role of the artist and the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see [...] The only way you can get through it is to accept that two-way street which I call love. You can call it a poem, you can call it whatever you like. That’s how people grow up. An artist is here not to give you answers but to ask you questions.”

    James Baldwin